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著名教授论坛第587讲: Translation, Deconstruction and Communication

发布时间 : 2023-04-24 点击量:

一、主讲:孙艺风 教授







孙艺风,澳门大学人文学院翻译学讲座教授,澳门大学人文社科高等研究院高级研究员,国际翻译与跨文化研究协会前副主席,国际译联期刊 Babel: International Journal of Translation主编。曾任澳洲昆士兰大学荣誉教授及杰出访问学人,英国广播公司(BBC)英语教学节目主持,香港岭南大学文学院院长暨人文研究中心主任。出版书籍包括:Transcultural Poetics (Routledge, 2023), Translational Spaces (Routledge, 2021), Translating Chinese Art and Modern Literature (Routledge, 2019), Translating Foreign Otherness (Routledge, 2018), Translation and Academic Journals (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), Translations: Globalization and Localization (Multilingual Matters, 2008), Cultural Exile and Homeward Journey (外研社, 2005), Fragmentation and Dramatic Moments (Peter Lang, 2002), 《中西翻译理论》(商务印书馆, 2023)、《文化翻译》(北京大学出版社, 2016) 和《视角、阐释、文化》(清华大学出版社, 2006 第二版) 等。


Translation, especially literary translation, conveys or/and communicates more than just semantic meaning. It is also expected to reproduce a range of literary features. Literary untranslatability, which is related to cultural untranslatability, makes it hard to reconstruct the literary value and aesthetic experience of the source text. The changed cultural context, as exemplified in cross-cultural recontextualization, is intrinsically resistant but also fertile enough to accept the foreign. As contexts change, meaning becomes more fluid and the possibilities it offers are generally expanded as new contextual spaces are created through translation. Deconstructing conceptualizations of multiple contexts with particular reference to issues of textual interpretation prompts further exploration of the underlying contradictions and paradoxes in theorizing translation, which is often caught in the inescapable Derridean dilemma between necessity and impossibility. Literary translation purports to capture, convey, or communicate multi-layered and interconnected information and feelings about another situation and community. Any monolithic notion of the irreducibility of the all-encompassing functionality of translation is at odds with the nature of literary translation. From a communicative perspective, literary translation aims to develop sophisticated forms to better convey and communicate ideas and feelings, as well as to provide situational cues to elicit appropriate responses from the target reader in tandem with those of the source reader. This talk will examine literary communication from several interrelated aspects. In this context, a distinction will be made between communication and convey; the two seemingly interchangeable words imply different emphases and are therefore of great importance for translation studies with regard to intercultural communication.


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