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发布时间 : 2014-06-11 点击量:

主 讲 人Michael Bamberg(云山讲座教授)

时 间:2014年6月19日14:30-16:30

地 点:北校区第七教学楼水上报告厅





In this year’s University Lecture I want to weave the three themes of narrative (storytelling), the organization of romantic love, and how (and why) these have entered commercial advertising, more closely together. Starting with the latter (commercial advertising on TV and in the Social Media), we have to realize that more and more commercials in public advertising employ the art of storytelling. In addition, the stories being used draw increasingly (and build on) themes of human relationship — with male-female romantic relationships as their central topic, oscillating between family and friendship on one end, and representations of (female) sexuality on the other. In my talk, I will explore these connections in more depth, and illustrate how we can empirically approach these connections with a closer look at the Anheuser & Busch’s advertisement campaign of their brand-product Budweiser during the Super Bowl commercial breaks in 2013 and 2014.


Michael Bamberg is editor of the journal Narrative Inquiry through which he supports and encourages theorizing and research into narrative from differing perspectives. In addition, he is the series editor of Studies in Narrative consisting of a series of books at the cutting edge of narrative research. Michael Bamberg has been an important figure in the promotion of a series of different genres of applied linguistic, narrative and identity research. Michael Bamberg has been instrumental at Clark to build up undergraduate and graduate training in Qualitative Research and has been heavily involved in the establishment of the newly formed section of the Society for Qualitative Research in Psychology. He is nationally and internationally known for teaching workshops on Qualitative Methods and Narrative Analysis, and currently holds an appointment as Yunshan Chair Professor at the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. In 2013 he gave a Keynote Presentation at the 13th International Pragmatics Conference, held in New Delhi; and he also was the Recipient of the 2013 Ted Sarbin Award for Distinguished Theoretical and Philosophical Contributions to Psychology, awarded by the American Psychological Association.




