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著名教授论坛第291讲:Developing CT & TCC in the Digital Age

发布时间 : 2016-04-14 点击量:


二、时 间:2016年4月21日(周四)晚7:00-9:00

三、地 点:北校区二教219




Thefast development of the Internet and artificial intelligence, unprecedentedemergence of various apps in social media, trans-national e-commerce andmigration, multinational corporations and mega trans-continental projects allrepresent challenges and assaults on today’s geopolitical, socio-cultural andpsychological boundaries, socio-political beliefs and cultural values andsystems. Thishastremendous implications for today’s intercultural communication, especially thecultivation of Critical Thinking (CT) and Transcultural CommunicativeCompetence (TCC).Making use of both theoretical andpopular texts, this talk first defines what CT really means and its importancein TCC. It explores the three levels of cross-cultural communicative competenceand the intricate relationships between linguistic forms and culturalimplications in intercultural communication. Holding the view thatlanguageis not just a medium but also arepository of culture and identity, this presentation demonstrateshowwe can achieve the objective of developing CT and TCCthroughthe analysis of a real case in cross-cultural communication breakdown.Specifically, it presents a series of CT/TCC-oriented activities and examineswhat strategies we can employ so as to avoid cross-cultural communicationfailures. It concludes that learning to understand another culture is a dynamicand complex process. Misunderstandings and conflicts in cross-culturalsituations are very often caused by the lack of socio-pragmatic cultural(rather than linguistic) competence in the speaker. The enhancement of thelearner’s critical awareness of both the home culture and the target cultureand their TCC for real communication situations presents itself as one of themost challenging tasks for us in the digital age.


Mao Sihui receivedhis B.A. in English Language and Literature and M.A. in British and AmericanLiterary Studies from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS), hissecond M.A. in Contemporary Literary and Cultural Studies from the Universityof Lancaster, UK and his PhD in Comparative Literature – Film Culture from theUniversity of Hong Kong. He taught various English subjects at GDUFS from 1982to 2000 (as Dean of the Faculty of English Language and Culture from1998-2001), translation and culture courses at the Department of Translation,Hong Kong Lingnan University from 2001 to 2003 and then directed the MPI-BellCentre of English, Macao Polytechnic Institute from 2003-2015. In March 2015,he started his new job as Director of the English Language Centre and Professorof English and Comparative Cultural Studies, Shantou University.

Prof. Mao has been Vice President ofSino-American Comparative Culture Association of China since 2000, President ofFederation of Translators and Interpreters of Macao since 2007, ExecutiveDirector of International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies(IAICS) since August 2014 and was a Council Member of International TranslatorsFederation (2011-2014).

His major publications includeTechnologisingthe Male Body: British Cinema 1957-1987(1999),New Perspectives:Contemporary Literary and Cultural Studies(2000),Decoding ContemporaryBritain(2003),Literature, Culture and Postmodern Transformations: 8Case Studies from William Shakespeare to James Bond(2009). Prof. Mao hasalso published over 70 academic journal papers and book chapters in literary,cultural and translation studies. He recently finished a research project onRepresentationsof Macao in Contemporary Cinemaand has been working onTransculturalCompetence in ELT and Intercultural Communication.




