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著名教授论坛第335讲:Writing process and development as distributedcognition

发布时间 : 2017-06-23 点击量:


一、 主讲人:游晓晔教授

二、 时间:2017年6月29日(周四)14:30

三、 地点:北校区第六教学楼A209

四、 主办单位:人事处、教师发展中心


五、 讲座内容简介:

In L2 writing research, scholarstend to take a cognitive approach to understand students’ writing process anddevelopment, viewing textual features or writing strategies as developedinternally within the writer. Adopting the Actant-Network Theory (ANT)(Latour), I will propose a practice-based approach to studying writing processand development. According to the ANT perspective, in the composing process awriter will interact with diverse actors and tools to develop associations andmeanings. Writing development means the writer expands and strengthens theassociations across contexts. In this practice-based approach, thus, we studyhow a writer interacts with other actors and tools to develop associations andmeanings. To illustrate this approach, I will draw on a study of Chineseinternational students’ reading and writing activities in an English-mediumprogram in Guangzhou. Tracing a few students’ literate activities acrossclassrooms, bars, restaurants, and social media, I will show that theyinteracted with diverse actors and drew diverse resources in constructingmeaning across these contexts. The texts they produced in the classroom wereintricately connected with literate activities and resources outside ofschool.

六、 嘉宾简介:

游晓晔,美国普渡大学应用语言学系博士,现任美国宾州州立大学文学院英语系和亚洲研究系副教授,广东外语外贸大学英文学院云山讲座教授。主要研究领域为对比修辞、世界英语、第二语言写作。已在国际权威期刊发表论文十余篇。专著《Writing in the Devil’s Tongue: A History ofEnglish Composition in China》(用“鬼子话”写作---中国英语作文史)获2011年度美国大学英语写作教师协会最杰出学术著作奖,为该年度本奖项全美唯一获奖者。过去五年,担任广外国家级精品课程“中级英语写作”的国际合作教师,负责组织宾夕法尼亚州立大学学生与广外学生开展以互评作文为主要特色的“跨洋互动”活动,已举行27轮,为把该课程建设成“中国大学精品资源共享课”做出重要贡献。



