A general hierarchy which orders functional projections in the periphery of Chinese is: AttP (Speaker’s attitude) > SQP (Special questions) > iForceP (illocutionary force) > OnlyP (Sentential exclusive focus) > S.AspP (sentential aspects) > TP… The hierarchy of these functional projections is determined by the “Subjectivity Scale Constraint” which functions at the syntax-discourse interface. Namely, (i) The higher a functional projection is, the more directly such a projection is linked to the speaker’s opinion; (ii) the more directly a functional projection is linked to the speaker’s opinion, the more subjective the interpretation of such a projection becomes; (iii) the more subjective the interpretation of a functional projection is, the more difficult it is for such a projection to be embedded.
The Subjectivity Scale Constraint that I propose states that the higher a functional projection is, the more difficult it is for such a projection to be embedded. Two different types of embeddabilities are examined. Syntactic embeddability is to check if an element can appear syntactically in an embedded clause. For instance, discourse particles related to the speaker’s attitude can never occur in an embedded clause; therefore, they cannot be embedded syntactically. By contrast, sentential aspect particles and the exclusive focus particles can appear in an embedded clause; thus, they can be embedded syntactically. Semantic embeddability is to check whether an embedded element has exactly the same interpretation or the same pragmatic function in an embedded clause as in a matrix clause. The embeddability test based on the Main Clause Phenomena (MCF) is an indirect argument in favor of the proposed hierarchy of the peripheral functional projections.
潘俊楠 (Victor Pan),香港中文大学语言学及现代语言系教授、研究生学部主任、法兰西大学学院青年院士, 获得法国国家语言学博士生导师资格文凭,法国南特大学形式语言学博士。曾任巴黎第七大学长聘副教授、法国国家科研中心全职研究员,被法国教育部直接任命为“全国大学科学委员会”评审专家,2017年获得法国教育部优秀博导及优秀科研奖励。曾任国际中国语言学学会(IACL)理事、欧洲汉语语言学学会(EACL)理事。其主要研究领域为生成句法学及句法-语义界面等。研究课题包括疑问结构、量化结构、左缘结构、复指关系、依存关系、制图理论、位移理论、语段理论,标签理论以及最简方案的新发展等。迄今用英文和法文发表过多篇国际著名期刊论文并出版个人专著五部,其中包括由德国Mouton De Gruyter出版社出版的Resumptivity in Mandarin Chinese: A Minimalist Account 以及由英国Routledge出版社出版的Architecture of The Periphery in Chinese: Cartography and Minimalism。也为多种顶级国际学术期刊担任匿名评审,其中包括Linguistic Inquiry, Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, The Linguistic Review, Linguistics 等。