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著名教授论坛第639讲:Financing Smallholder Farmers Through Policy-Based Credit Guarantee(通过政策性信贷担保为小农融资)

发布时间 : 2024-03-18 点击量:


二、时间:2024年3月22日 14:30-17:00





张斌,中山大学管理学院教授,中山大学财务处处长、企业研究院副院长;中国科学技术大学管理学与工学双学士、管理学博士,美国麻省理工学院访问学者,香港科技大学访问学者。主要研究运营管理与供应链金融、互联网思维与商业创新。完成国家级项目十余项,主持完成的国家级项目被评为“特优”。在国内外著名期刊上发表论文数十篇,研究成果被国内外著名学者频繁引用。获得高等学校省级优秀科技成果一等奖;中山大学青年教师授课一等奖,岭南学院 “对我影响最大的老师”。曾为中国海关、中国石化、广汽本田、FedEx和UPS等企业提供管理咨询。


Along with yield risk, lack of access to credit for purchasing agricultural inputs traps smallholder farmers in developing economies in a vicious circle of poverty. To break the circle, governments intervene reactively to incentivize financial institutions’ participation in the smallholder credit market. Policy-based credit guarantee (PCG) system is such an emerging solution with either (i) compensating guarantee companies’ credit risk or discounting banks’ loan interest. We propose a novel PCG financing framework to characterize the strategic interactions between these financiers and smallholder borrowers. We evaluate the effectiveness of these PCG schemes on the key performance metrics for government’s policy design. The analysis demonstrates that both PCG schemes enhance the guarantee outreach, as well as the farming quantity and farmer’s profit when the farmer faces high cost. The PCG schemes might not outperform the guarantee-only contract if the farmer’s farming cost is low. The benefits of PCG schemes come from a risk-sharing mechanism that combines a partial-guarantee contract and policy-based credit. Further analysis identifies the market conditions to help the government decide which PCG scheme to apply. Our findings demonstrate how a PCG ecosystem can serve as an inclusive and effective instrument for enabling smallholders’ credit access by motivating the participation of financiers. We leverage the analyses to offer societal insights that can help bridge smallholders’ financing gaps and alleviate food shortages in rural areas.七、报名方式:

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