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Martin语言学工作坊:Linguistic Annotation

发布时间 : 2015-04-15 点击量:



Date:PartI:April 21st(TUE)15:30-17:30

Part II: May 12th(TUE) 15:30-17:30


VenueRoom 306,Teaching Building No.8,North Campus


第一讲:Inthis first of a two-part series of workshops on Linguistic annotation, we firstwant to develop an idea about why linguistic annotation may be useful, as wellas the range of relatively easy-to-use options for annotation available. Apartfrom looking at the more theoretical and practical background to annotation, wealso want to gain some practice in annotating various types of data, primarilyusing what I call Simple XML,and using one or more of the annotation tools Ihave developed for such purposes over the years.

第二讲:In the second part of ourmini-series on annotation, we want to develop the skills acquired in the firstsession further, as well as look at some ways of exploiting/analyzing annotateddata using concordancing and further analysis, including filtering andfrequency norming, in Excel.

注意:讲座地点不提供电脑,参加讲座的教师需要自带手提电脑,用于安装相关软件。Inorder to fully profit from the workshops, participants should bring their ownnotebook computers. Mac OS X users should alsoinstallWine formhttp://www.winehq.org/to be able to run my programs.


MartinWeisser obtained his MA in English Linguistics, English Literature, andGalloroman Philology from the University of Wuerzburg, Germany, in 1994, andhis PhD in English Linguistics in 2001. In 2010, he completed his professorialthesis (habilitation) at the University of Bayreuth, Germany.

His main interests are in thecorpus-based analysis of English, with a special emphasis on pragmatics, aswell as most other aspects of spoken and written language, including thecreation of web-based teaching materials for teaching linguistics.





