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Teaching Methods in Western Universities 西方高校的教学方法

发布时间 : 2013-03-13 点击量:
云山教师沙龙第十一讲:Teaching Methods in Western Universities 西方高校的教学方法
主讲人:Robert Shaw 
时间:2013年3月21日(星期四) 下午3:00
主讲人新西兰学者Robert Shaw教授系我校国际工商管理学院外籍教师。他曾在国外多所高校从事教学工作,专业涉及管理、研究方法和商业伦理,曾任新西兰教育部、科技部官员,负责管理新西兰中学评估系统。
讲座简介:This seminar provides a brief introduction to the changes that are taking place in western university education. It then considers the teaching at GDUFS using western methods of presentation and communication. It reviews the goals of courses, the need for local resources, the individualization of teaching, and practical techniques of course delivery. The seminar will be presented in English but is believed to be beneficial to teachers who teach in either English or Chinese.
主讲人简介:Robert Shaw teaches management, research methods, and business ethics. He has been at GDUFS for one semester. Robert is a New Zealander who has taught in many universities and has an abiding interest in vocational education- particularly business, education and teacher education. He lectured in teacher education at Claremont Teachers College (Perth) and the University of Southern Queensland. For over a decade, Robert had been a government official in the New Zealand Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology. He was responsible for the management of the national secondary school assessment system, including national                                                                                                                                          examinations. Today Robert is active in the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. Many of his publications and presentations are available online, www.shaw.org.nz/pubs.html. More information about Robert is available on www.shaw.org.nz
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       联 系 人:陈逸予 林炜娜
    广东外语外贸大学人事处  教师发展中心
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