为推动我校英语教师的专业发展,教师发展中心联合英语教育学院推出英语教师专业发展工作坊,第一场由我校云山讲座教授,夏威夷大学二语研究系郑东萍博士,为大家带来New Perspectives on Language Education: What can we truly learn fromEast and West?的系列讲座,请有兴趣的老师报名参加。以下为讲座详情:
日期 |
时间 |
主题 |
地点 |
4月21日(周四) |
下午 2:30-4:00 |
Ecological dialogical perspectives on language education: Examples of abductive learning in virtual worlds |
南校院系楼234室 |
4月28日(周四) |
Project and place-based learning: Affordances of mobile technologies for rethinking learning and teaching. |
5月5日 (周四) |
Rethinking language education from eco-dialogical and distributed (EDD) perspectives. |
5月12日(周四) |
Mobile-enabled new learning spaces for expansion of diversity and agentic learning |
The first of fourtalks addresses the confluence of design in relation to space-time,sociocultural places, activity and virtual artifacts in a multiuser 3D virtuallearning environment (3D VLE). Congruent with ecological and dialogicalperspectives in which sense-making is contingent on the relational dynamics ofmeshwork of these aspects, this talk will be situated in a design-basedresearch project that focuses on designing problem-solving spaces thatencourage meaning-making in situ, manipulation of virtual objects within placesand coordination among players.
The second talk willbe focused on the argument for the need of project-based learning andplace-based learning in the 21st century education in the social affordances ofmobile technologies. The following points will be specially demonstrated: 1)how we can design mobile games to encourage distributed language learning; 2)how this immersion experience in real physical places affects linguistic andcultural acquisition and communication in situ; and 3) how (trans)languaging isdynamically executed in the wild with virtual content present.
In the third talk,suggestions will be made to rethink the following issues on language teachereducation: 1) From student-centered pedagogy to a networked distributed system;2) From task-based learning to project-based learning; 3) From learner-teacherrelationship to novice-expert dynamics. In addition to an advocacy of rethinkingour current language education models, the speaker will share some methods,experiences and insights on how to create a distributed system in which bothnovices and experts are held accountable for learning.
In the fourth talk,the speaker will provide an account of designing a new learning space that hasthe potential of bridging the sociocultural material-laden spaces and schoolspaces. This new learning space is mobile, agent-driven, literacy-focused,socioculural and ecological.
Dongping Zheng (郑东萍)博士,于2006年获得University of Connecticut教育心理学博士。现任University of Hawaii, The Department of Second Language Studies副教授。主要研究应用生态心理学,对话学,分布认知及语言来扩张以人为中心的传统二语习得理论。 具体课题研究包括虚拟游戏空间环境对语言认知的影响,和以移动无限通讯技术为平台的游戏设计对扩展认知与学习空间,以及社会文化参与于认知的潜能的影响。