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广外建校50周年系列学术活动——著名教授论坛第265讲:Translation and the Fate of English as Lingua Academica in China

发布时间 : 2015-05-15 点击量:







Academicresearch is always circumscribed by language, and in the humanities— inparticular, history, literature and philosophy—one wonders how such a thing asuniversal knowledge can be transmitted beyond language. How does a world in whichEnglish is the academic lingua franca impact the humanities scholar? It hasbeen pointed out that even science is far from the universal, neutral discoursethat it is often assumed to be. How much more so it is for the humanities,which deal with more context-restricted and “personal” issues. While almost allforms of knowledge must be transmitted through language, the importance of thelinguistic medium, written as well as spoken, is understandably more of aconcern for the humanities. How does the humanities scholar survive in a worldin which the prevalent and accepted academic language is English, and not one’smother tongue? And how does translation enter this picture?

Given thelinguistic options open to non-Anglophone scholars, there are essentially threecategories of academic writings in “translational” terms: (1) untranslatedpublications in languages other than English, to which Anglophones can have noaccess; (2) research translated into English by someone who serves as amediator between the original text and the readers of the translation; and (3)research communicated in English, although the primary materials in anotherlanguage have actually undergone some kind of translation by the authorconcerned. In terms of volume, the first category is produced by those whorefuse to translate, preferring the indigenous to the universal. The second isby nature collaborative, with a monolingual author being helped by a bilingualtranslator. The third involves a bilingual author who also plays the role of a“self-translator,” who has emerged prominently in today’s academia. Specificreference will be made in this paper to the shifting importance this thirdcategory has assumed in Chinese scholarship in the last decade but the mainfocus will be on the challenges faced by all non-Anglophone humanities scholarsin attempting to publish in English.


Leo Tak-hungCHAN is currently Professor of Translation and Headof the Department of Translation, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.

Before he cameto work in Lingnan University, he had taught at the City Polytechnic of HongKong, Indiana University, Georgetown University and the University of Maryland.In 1991-92 he was awarded the prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Centerfor Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, USA.

He published acountless number of academic papers in journals such as Harvard Journal ofAsiatic Studies, Translation Studies in the New Millennium, Perspectives,Comparative Literature Studies, The Translator, Babel, META, Across Languagesand Cultures, to mention just a few, in the United States, Canada, Belgium, theUnited Kingdom, Turkey, Spain, Denmark, Hungary, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong.He has published, in Chinese, three annotated bibliographies on translatedtwentieth-century fiction, drama and poetry, in Translation Quarterly, Journalof Translation Studies and Studies of Translation and Interpretation,respectively. He has authored or edited 20 books and special issues ofjournals. His monographs were published by leading academic presses, includingUniversity of Hawaii Press, Johns Benjamins and St. Jerome Publishing Co.




