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发布时间 : 2015-06-23 点击量:







When Hollywood (and Other) Stars Sue for Defamation: The Role of Discourse Analysis

Edward Finegan,







Accuracy of interpreting in courtroom settings

Sandra Hale,







Who Wrote This?: An Introduction to Forensic Linguistic Methods of Author Attribution

Janet Ainsworth,







266讲  讲座详情

题目:When Hollywood (and Other) Stars Sue for Defamation:The Role of Discourse Analysis



Sensational stories about famous people arethe bread and butter of newspapers called tabloids. Hollywood film stars,famous television personalities, and political figures are portrayed on thefront page in mesmerizing photographs with suggestive headlines that arecalculated to grab the eye of shoppers at supermarket check-out counters.Inside the tabloid, headlines, subheadlines, photographs, and the storiesthemselves may convey an unflattering impression of the famous person, sounflattering that the star deems it defamatory and files a lawsuit. Even whenevery sentence in a story is arguably defensible, the overall impressionconveyed by a story could damage the reputation of the targeted star. Thispresentation explores how context—headlines,photos, and captions—interact with text to convey a defamatoryeffect on readers when coupled with sentences each of which may be factuallytrue when considered independently. It also explores how text itself can bemanipulated to convey a false impression while claiming to be true. Thepresentation explores several tabloid stories involving entertainers and aworld-famous movie star.


Ed Finegan began his careerteaching mathematics on Long Island. He then taught English and Englishlinguistics at Ohio University and those and humanities at Case Western ReserveUniversity while completing his Ph.D. He joined the USC faculty in 1968 andlater served as founding chair of USC's Linguistics Department. In 1975 and1976, he directed a USC English-language teaching project for National IranianRadio and Television in Tehran. Besides a focus on discourse analysis and thediscourses of law, his research addresses language variation and English usage,including their treatment in dictionaries. He has contributed chapters on usageand grammar to the Cambridge History of the English Language and on NorthAmerican English to A History of the English Language (Cambridge). He is authorof Attitudes toward English Usage: The History of a War of Words (TeachersCollege Press, Columbia University) and co-editor of Language in the USA(Cambridge University Press) and of Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Register(Oxford University Press). His introductory textbook Language: ItsStructure and Use, 7th edition (Wadsworth/Cengage) will be published in 2014.He served as founding general editor of "Oxford Studies inSociolinguistics" and on the editorial boards of the journals AmericanSpeech, Discourse Processes, English Language and Linguistics, and Corpora. Heis a member of the advisory board of USC’s Kortschak Center and the DictionarySociety of North America's delegate to the American Council of LearnedSocieties. He is president of the International Association of ForensicLinguists. Principally concerning linguistic aspects of contractinterpretation, defamation, and trademark, he has consulted for scores of lawfirms in more than a dozen states, as well as for the offices of the FederalPublic Defender and the California Attorney General. He served three times aspresident of the USC chapter of Phi Kappa Phi and for two years as co-presidentof USC's Lambda Alumni Association. He is the recipient of USC's Associates Awardfor Excellence in Teaching and has been twice honored by Dornsife College withthe Albert S. Raubenheimer Distinguished Faculty Award. Since 2011 he hasserved as director of USC's Center for Excellence in Teaching and, starting in2014, serves as editor of Dictionaries: The Journal of the Dictionary Societyof North America.


267讲  讲座详情

题目:Accuracy of interpreting in courtroom settings



Most Interpreting Codes of Ethicsmention the requirement for “accuracy” or “faithfulness” as one of its maintenets. Most interpreters would also agree that this is their primaryresponsibility. However, the concept of accuracy is a complex one which isoften ‘interpreted’ in many different ways. This paper will argue thatthe meaning of accuracy depends on the type and mode of interpreting, thesetting where the interpreter works, the institutional requirements and theworking conditions under which an interpreter is working. It will focus on themeaning of accuracy in court interpreting, on the interpreter’s ethicalrequirements and on the feasibility of achieving the ideal standards required.


Dr Sandra Hale is Professor ofInterpreting and Translation at the University of New South Wales in Sydney,Australia.

She has a long career as Spanish interpreter, educator and researcher. She is apioneer in community and court interpreting pedagogy and research and isrecognised internationally as an authority in the field. She was made Fellow ofAUSIT (the national professional association) in 2013 and awarded aDoctorate Honoris Causa in Interpreting and Translation Studies from theUniversity of Antwerp, in recognition for her innovative research, in 2014. Herbooks The discourse of court interpreting and Community interpreting arewidely used as text books nationally and internationally, with the lattertranslated into Spanish and into Japanese. She has recently co-authoredResearch Methods in Interpreting with Jemina Napier, and has co-edited twoother books Interpreting in Legal Settings with Debra Russell and Qualityin Interpreting: a shared responsibility with Uldis Ozolins and Ludmila Stern.

She has also published many articles and book chapters.

She iscurrently working on two Australian Research Council funded projects on courtinterpreting, one project funded bythe FBI on police interpreting and two onInterpreting in health settings. For more details go to:https://hal.arts.unsw.edu.au/about-us/people/sandra-hale/


268讲  讲座详情

题目:Who Wrote This?: An Introduction to ForensicLinguistic Methods of Author Attribution



Forensic linguistics, the study oflanguage and linguistic issues in legal contexts, is becoming more and moreimportant in the resolution of legal disputes and in influencing best practicesin the development of law and legal practices world-wide. This presentationwill focus on just one of those areas—the field of authorship identification.Authorship attribution analysis is a prime example of the importance offorensic linguistics research to law. In many legal contexts, there is aquestion of fact about who wrote a document or text. I will first outline avariety of these situations, occurring in both civil and criminal matters,considering both the kind of written texts to be analyzed—their form, genre,and length—and the questions posed by analyzing such texts. Then I willdiscuss the two main schools of forensic linguistic analysis in authorshipattribution cases—forensic stylistics and computational linguistics-basedforensic textual analysis--highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of eachapproach. Finally, I will suggest ways in which the field is likely to developin the future, and how lawyers must be trained to take advantage of theadvances in this area. What was impossible yesterday is now quite possible, andwhat is impossible today is likely to be practically achievable in the nearfuture.


Professor Ainsworthjoined the staff of the Seattle-King County Public Defender Association in1980, serving in the appeals and felony divisions and as training coordinatorfrom 1985 to 1988, when she joined this faculty. She served as Associate Deanfor Faculty Development from 2001 to 2005, and has been honored by studentsthree times with teaching awards.

Her scholarship has engageda variety of issues, including the application of linguistics research to legalissues, criminal procedure, feminist critical theory, juvenile law, comparativelaw, imperial Chinese law, and law and social science. She is the author ofnumerous book chapters and articles appearing both in peer-reviewed socialscience journals and in law reviews including the Yale Law Journal, the CornellLaw Review, and the Washington University Law Quarterly. Her articles have beenreprinted in five anthologies.

Inaddition to scholarly writing and presentations, Professor Ainsworth is activein a number of other professional endeavors. She has served on the ExecutiveCommittee of the Criminal Justice Section and as chair of the Law andAnthropology Section of the AALS, has served on several committees of the Lawand Society Association, as well as Secretary and member of the ExecutiveCommittee of the International Association for Forensic Linguists. Herpro bonoactivities include servingon the Board of Directors of the Seattle-King County Public Defender,writingamicus curiaebriefsto the Washington State Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court,lecturing at dozens of Continuing Legal Education seminars, serving as a memberof numerous state criminal justice task forces, and serving as consultant tothe National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, from which she receivedits Outstanding Service Award in recognition of her contributions.




