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著名教授论坛第523讲:Migration, sociolinguistic typology and language change

发布时间 : 2021-11-12 点击量:

一、主讲人:ProfessorPaul Kerswill






With increasing migration across the world, there is a corresponding increase in language contact. While existing accounts of contact remain valid, such as those of Thomason & Kaufman 1988, van Coutsem (2000) and Thomason (2000), it is relevant now to broaden our understanding of the relationship between contact, language change and social structures in the context of high migration. In his sociolinguistic typology model, Trudgill (2010) provides a framework with the capacity to predict the kinds of language structures that are likely to be found in particular types societies. Trudgill (2010: 300) summarises the relevant factors as follows:

1.small vs. large community size

2.dense vs. loose social networks

3.social stability vs. instability

4.high vs. low degree of shared information

5.degree of contact vs. isolation

With these in mind, Trudgill (2020) discusses factors which lead to rapid vs. slow language change: the fundamental pattern is that disruption of networks, caused by contact through migration or other rapid social change, accelerates language change. I argue that, with current levels of migration, it is now both feasleib and important to test Trudgill’s predictions by applying them directly to contact-induced change in present-day societies. Trudgill’s model is based on data across time depths of centuries or millennia, coupled with overall characterisations of the social structures of the societies involved. I will consider published studies of today’s speech communities from the point of view of the parameters listed above. As an adjunct to the investigation, I will argue that a related model proposed by Andersen (1988) adds further insights. This is the idea that, in addition to being high-contact versus low-contact (Trudgill’s fifth parameter), societies vary on a scale from being very inward-looking to being strongly oriented to social and linguistic influences from outside. As a further factor, I will add one not specifically raised by Trudgill or Andersen: this is the degree to which the society has a strong monolingual ethos (e.g. China, France) or a multilingual one (India, many countries in Africa). In the former case, language change is inhibited, even in the face of large-scale immigration, while in the latter case there is an increase in societal and individual multilingualism.


保罗·柯斯威尔(Paul Kerswill)教授,世界著名社会语言学家、英国国家学术院院士(Fellow of the British Academy)、英国约克大学语言与语言科学系教授。保罗· 柯斯威尔教授先后在剑桥大学冈维尔凯斯学院 (Gonville and Caius College)获得现代语言专业本科和硕士学位、语言学专业研究硕士(MPhil)和博士学位。曾在杜伦大学、剑桥大学、雷丁大学、兰卡斯特大学担任教职。柯斯威尔的研究方向是社会语言学语言变异与变化。三十多年来他一直重点关注方言接触和新方言的形成,特别是移民语言变化问题。以他的博士论文(1985年于剑桥大学完成,1994年出版)为基础的《方言融合:挪威城市中的乡村语言》探索了挪威农村方言说话人适应城市语言的各种社会语言学问题,该研究是移民语言变化研究领域的一项开创性工作。他主持研究的英国国家经济和社会研究委员会(ESRC)资助项目“新城镇、新方言:米尔顿·凯恩斯镇儿童和成年人的语言研究” (1990-1994)”对英国战后新城镇米尔顿·凯恩斯新方言的形成进行了研究。近年,他主持研究了一项ESRC资助的大型项目“多元文化伦敦英语: 一种新方言的产生、习得和扩散”(2007-2010)”。他和他的研究团队对二十世纪后期在英国首都伦敦多语言、多种族社区中出现的一种新的和青年相关的英语方言变体进行了大规模研究。米尔顿·凯恩斯和多元文化伦敦英语研究被称为关于城市接触方言的经典案例, 对语言接触理论的建构和发展以及研究方法都产生了重要影响。他同时正关注西非的各种社会语言学问题,目前正主持研究两项由英国国家学术院特别资助加纳项目,对语言在发展中的作用进行研究。保罗· 柯斯威尔教授于1997年在英国雷丁大学发起了首届语言变异研究专题研讨会,对语言变异与变化研究做出了重要贡献。





