一、主讲人:Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen(Chair Professorof the Department of English)
In this talkProfessor Christian will examine projection — i.e. quoting and reporting whatpeople say and what they think — as an important strategy used in differentkinds of text (register, or genre).He will illustrate how it is achievedthrough language, but also how through language and visual semiotic systems(pictorial and filmic) together. For example, projection is important in newsreporting and in academic discourse, enabling reporters and scholars to sourceand attribute information; but it is also central to the construction ofstories, including comics and films. The illustrations will show thatprojection is a powerful resource extending well beyond the traditionaltreatment of direct and indirect speech and though.
Christian M.I.M.Matthiessen is Chair Professor of the Department of English, the Faculty ofHumanities at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, where he is a member of theInternational Research Centre for Communication in Healthcare Communication(IRCCH), PTCLS and the PolySystemic Research Group. He has degrees inlinguistics from Lund University (BA), where he also studied Arabic andphilosophy, and from UCLA (MA, PhD), and has previously held positions at USC/Information Sciences Institute, Sydney University, and Macquarie University. Hehas held visiting appointments at e.g. the University of Hamburg and the BrainScience Division of the RIKEN Institute in Tokyo. He is Honorary Professor,Beijing Normal University, Beijing, and Guest Professor, University of Scienceand Technology, Beijing.His research has covered a wide range of areas. Matthiessen’sbooks include Systemic linguistics and text generation: Lexicogrammaticalcartography: English systems (1995), The texture of casual conversation (withDiana Slade, 2014) etc. Recent articles and book chapters cover research intolanguage and space, educational linguistics, systemic functional theory,systemic functional description of English, multilingual studies, healthcarecommunication studies, multisemiotic studies and registerial cartography.