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著名教授论坛第633讲:Understanding Lenders' Investment Behavior in Online Peer-to-Peer Lending: A Construal Level Theory Perspective

发布时间 : 2024-01-06 点击量:


二、时间:2024年1月12日 15:30-18:00





柯玮玲,南方科技大学的长聘正教授,商学院信息系统与管理工程系的建系主任。柯教授主要从事信息系统管理方面的研究与教学。她研究的课题包括数字化转型,信息系统的实施与应用,开放创新的价值与发展。柯教授在多个国际顶级期刊上发表论文,如MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Operations Management。她曾经或正担任多个顶级期刊的副主编或编委,如Information & Management, Decision Support Systems, IT & People, Journal of the Association for Information Systems。


Online peer-to-peer lending (i.e., P2P lending) has grown rapidly in recent years and is a new source of fixed income for investors. However, there is limited understanding of factors affecting individual lenders’ decision making in this context, which is characterized as highly risky. Drawing on construal level theory, we theorize how bidding amounts lenders submit are affected by interest rates and psychological distance caused by the borrower’s demographic attributes (i.e., geographic location, age, educational degree, and marital status) relative to those of the lender. Specifically, we study how psychological distance shapes the effects of the duality of interest rates (i.e., as rates of return and as signals of potential risk) and directly influences bidding amounts. Using a rich data set from a popular Chinese online P2P lending platform, we apply multiple identification strategies and estimation methods to conduct our analyses. We find that the effects of interest rates on bidding amounts are strengthened by the geographic and social distance between the lender and the borrower. In addition, geographic distance decreases the lenders’ bidding amounts (i.e., home bias effect), whereas social distance increases the bidding amounts (i.e., social distance effect). Additionally, four controlled experiments are conducted to investigate the causality and mechanisms behind these relationships. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed.


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